Watch our demonstration of a flexible working request meeting
a request can be made by anyone
Permanent home working may be a common request in the weeks to come
You can say no if you have a legitimate reason
Home working is being called the “new normal” now. Employees who previously never thought working from home was an option are re-evaluating their options now they’ve been successfully, temporarily working from home. We’re anticipating that businesses will see an increase in employees submitting a flexible working request – either to work from home, or to change hours for a better work life balance.
What do you need to do when you receive a flexible working request? Our Monday Mode demonstration runs through a typical meeting, covering some of the common reasons employees may request home working, and some of the common objections the employer may have for allowing it! We also discuss how to confirm and formalise the process, and what to do if you can’t say yes to your employee.
Do you have questions about how to handle a flexible working request?
Give us a call at CUBE HR, we’ll be happy to advise you and we have policies and templates available to meet every HR need.
Why not check out our other blog on the same topic Flexible Working – 3 Things You Need to Know
You can also watch a range of other videos on our YouTube channel